2 Reminders When Starting A Workout Plan

Many of us had New Years resolutions and goals we like to set for ourselves.. and that’s great! Maybe we are starting a new workout plan or just starting to exercise for the first time ever. Either way, occasionally we can set goals that are a bit unreasonable, here are two things to remember so we don’t feel defeated when trying something new:

The first one is to commit to being active before committing to a workout plan. Everyday is different, and we feel different everyday too. First commit to the simple act of moving your body everyday before you go implementing a plan. Don’t get me wrong, you still want to commit to your plan too! This doesn’t mean you should give in to your excuses.. but don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t complete the whole workout or you do something less intense instead. There will be days that life gets in the way and we cannot get our workout in, whether it be a time restriction, how we’re feeling etc… but we can still make sure we get our daily movement in. Whether it be a short walk, light stretching or just 1 or 2 exercise’s as long as we are moving our bodies for a short period of time each day. It’s easy to “fall off the wagon” when we miss a few days of our plan, we feel like we can’t catch up now.. after all, each one we missed was for a separate day, its way too fat gone.. what’s even the point anymore? That’s nonsense. Just because you missed a day or even a week or two doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to work out anymore and that it won’t still reap its same benefits.

My second tip would be don’t just do the workouts you see everyone else doing.. this tip is more for beginners, but can also have meaning to those currently exercising! If you’re just starting and lets say you’re working out with a friend, as an example their plan may have a lot of squats and lunges in it because they need to work on their quads and leg strength but maybe you have a knee injury or do an activity that has more hamstring involvement, these exercise’s will not have the same benefit for you and could actually create an imbalance, you would want to replace those exercise’s with deadlifts and glute bridges.

Seeing what people post on social media and other platforms can be repetitive and lack programming that works the entire body symmetrically. To fix this problem of course I would recommend hiring a Personal Trainer to help you do so and figure out what’s best for you :))). However if this is not an option for you, try to look at what your specific needs are and try to tailor it towards that. Once you figure out your specific needs (what your goals are, imbalances/injuries, etc..) do some research on what to do to work on these areas specifically (not just on social media) and how to make it individualized. Every plan needs exercise’s that work the entire body of course, but everyones body is different which means everyones exercise plan will be too.



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