How To Stay On Track
Here are some tips on how to stay on track!
Summer is pretty much arrived, which means things are happening and we have lots to do. There are always disruptions and interruptions but our workouts will always be waiting and ready for when we are too. We don’t have to train as hard as we do through the colder months necessarily but we still want to have a certain level of consistency. We can’t go falling off the wagon now..
Writing down your goals makes them really exist, before that they are just a thought in your mind. Saying it out loud is good too but it doesn’t hold that same value as when we write things down.
Take responsibility.. obstacles will always get in the way. Always. Kids or no kids. Job or no job. Life happens so it’s time to grab it by the dumbbell ;)
A pretty obvious but simple tip is to just have a workout partner. Healthy competition is always fun and can potentially make you push yourself harder than you would have alone.
Reward yourself for milestones, not necessarily every time you exercise. You want to keep the momentum going and have something to look forward to. Small achievements lead to big ones and once you reward yourself a few times you’ll see that exercising is a reward itself, especially how it makes us feel afterwards.
Remember why you started. I know it can sound cliche, you can call it your why, your X factor, your purpose whatever you wish to call it. Deep down there is a reason we do what we do, i’ve said in my about me but I’ll say it here too sports and exercise really is like therapy for me and it keeps me grounded. In a family with history of poor mental health, playing something or working out gave me salvation. Now helping others and building my business does… but I love to throw around some weights still too.
And last but not least that dang momentum, do a little bit everyday instead of a huge workout once a week. The regular increase in metabolism and instantaneous. feelings have tremendous positive effects. You don’t have to just have one good day a week do you?
Hope everyone has a great weekend