The Top 3 Foods To Help Digestion

Digestion issues have become a lot more common in todays day and age, at least it seems that way. With different diagnoses like IBS and gluten intolerance, it can be tough to figure out what foods to eat and what the real underlying issue is. Seeing a dietitian can help, but this is still mostly recommended information and not an exact plan. Having a meal plan can be beneficial, but I don’t promote these as much because we all like to have variety in our diet, eating the same foods all the time tends to get old pretty quick.

While there may be specific foods best for our digestion, it can depend on what issue or issues you have and what restrictions your diet contains. There are a few basic needs and nutrients we can look for when it comes to aiding our digestion, foods high in fibre and probiotics tend to be the best for helping our digestion on a long term basis.

Yogurt has been one of the most popular foods for aiding in digestion, it being high in probiotics and other vitamins like B12 and Zinc. Having probiotics can also be supplemented if you. do not enjoy yogurt. They can help ease common IBS symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Probiotics help lower the PH level in the colon so it can be moved through faster and more efficiently.

Ginger can also help in a more anti-inflammatory approach but can also help with IBS related symptoms like nausea and stomach pain. Ginger is a food there a few more studies on as it has been a big part of Japanese cuisine for many years. It has been shown to help the function of the digestion system and can help lower our risk of colon cancer.

Prebiotics are also important in our digestive health, our body doesn’t break them down but they do live in our digestive tract and help grow the good bacteria our bodies need. Garlic in my opinion is the best choice for this, as there are other foods high in prebiotics too like dandelion and chicory root, but they are less consumed in a common diet. Garlic is best when eaten raw for absorbing its benefits, but can still be good when cooked too. It is included in almost all recipes and also adds wonderful flavour - its a win win!

So at the end of it, these may not be the BEST or ONLY 3, but they are easy to consume and included in many recipes/regular meals.

Basically what we need depends on the issue we have, having a balance of probiotics and prebiotics will help keep a healthy functioning digestive system, and an anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant to help keep things moving.


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