Tight Chest & Shoulders? Try This Warm Up Routine
Before we go trying to work our upper bodies, we must make sure we are warmed up. That being said a warm up is simple, but to specifically loosen up the shoulders and get into correct posture takes more than 5 minutes on the treadmill. Sometimes not just the shoulders but the chest muscles too can bcome very tightened and shortened from the daily position we are in. When we sit for a long period of time on a regular basis, our hip flexors become shortened and tightened as mentioned before, and our upper body will have the same effect. This is actually referred to as “upper cross” and “lower cross” syndrome. It comes back to my email from last week as well saying how everything we do is in front of us or in the “sagittal” plane. Our chest and shoulder muscles will become tight and can even become permanently rounded forward. The neck and sternocleidomastoid muscle also become very tightened. Core training and doing dynamic exercises that bring the shoulders back to their regular positioning will help prevent this from happening. Having a strong core or “abs” isn’t just for looks.. its for life too! It keeps us upright whether we sit, stand, twist, or do any other movements really.
When a muscle becomes weak, another muscle takes over. With Upper Cross Syndrome our mid and upper back muscles, referred to as the serratus and trapezius, are what becomes become weak or lengthened. As a result, the chest or pectoral and neck muscles tighten. This can cause pain throughout the upper body as well as reduced range of motion.
This imbalance can lead to joint dysfunction.. As we go through life moving improperly it will become regular for our bodies to not have these muscles “firing” efficiently as some like to say. Joint inflammation and pain within the areas will also keep us from being able to execute movements properly.
Here are 2 simple ways to help warm up the area so we are using the right muscles before we start:
“Wall Slides”
Keep the entire upper back on the wall and feet stay together out in front slightly depending on where you need to keep the back on the wall (you can be slightly leaning back). I chose this movement because it does not have to be done on the floor and does not need any equipment. If you don’t have an available wall or don’t have this range of motion yet it can also be done laying on the ground with your legs bent (feet flat on the floor). The lower back should be stable as well and core engaged to prevent any movement in the trunk as you go. Arms lift over the head in a shoulder press like motion grazing the wall with backs of the hands and arms the entire time as you go. When they start to stray away or you feel any pain/discomfort that is far enough for you. Practise this range of motion then slowly progress further when ready.
2 sets of 8-10 is enough for a warm up.
“Superman with Row”
Maybe not what you were expecting to see, again just a friendly reminder this is not just about the shoulders. What I would choose to strengthen the upper back area is going to be much different than these warm up exercises, but that would be my next recommendation.
Superman with row is nice for creating the posture we would like to mimic and pulling the anterior muscles back from their regularly tightened position. The pull down or “row” action of the arms makes us think of pulling the shoulders down and back and creating more space between the neck and shoulders. It makes us use our body as a unit together with the core and glutes as well as the upper body all at the same time. We do want to loosen the front but also make sure we use the posterior side effectively before we go trying to strengthen it. Using everything synergistically is the best way to prevent injury.
2 sets of 10 here is also enough for a warm up.
For strengthening the upper/mid back as a whole I’d recommend implementing some type of reverse fly movement as well rows into your routine, it could be with dumbbells, cables, or even just a resistance band.
Of course if you have an imbalance or injury something uni lateral would be preferred.. I was torn between the superman with row or alternating superman as the chosen exercise. If you are someone with an injury or extreme imbalance, I’d recommend that variation instead. Similar but you do not pull the arm down and you alternate between lifting opposite arm and leg instead of all 4 limbs at once.
Hope that helps :)
Happy Exercising!